Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sex and Survival

Corporations and business are nothing more than profit-seeking, money-making enterprises with a lust for green. The Nestle group is no different. Whatever decisions are pondered by the fat cats on the top floor are first pumped through many risk/reward programs. Recently, they have, together with their risk analyzing machines, decided that marketing powdered milk to famished pregnant women in Africa would be a wise business venture.

They first traveled to these countries offering free samples of the product to these women. So-called “scientists” informed the uneducated mothers-to-be that it would be a wise alternative for their babies to drink the powdered milk as it contained many nourishing entities that could be found naturally in the famished bodies they possessed. Naturally, they accepted without hesitation. What they weren't told was that they would eventually have to buy the product. There's no such thing as a free lunch, right!?

Of course, the women could not spend the little money they had in such a lavish way when it had to be used for food, water and/or medicine. Eventually, after becoming dependent on the free sample, their bodies gave out and no longer produced the natural milk, thereby providing quite the predicament for these women: buy the Nestle product or watch your babies slowly perish.

This was a story we analyzed in my Senior English class a few weeks ago. After reading and discussing this appalling report, our teacher posed a seemingly simple question for her students: what two things motivate people do the things they do?

Being somewhat aware of Freud and his theory, I answered that sex and survival are the two main contributing factors to our decisions. Being in high school, this statement was obviously met with a roar of laughter. I'm never one to turn down an opportunity to entertain my peers, but I was very serious with my hypothesis. The more I thought about it, in my admittedly angered state, the more it made sense to me.

How dare we judge Nestle for their actions!? They're a business. It's their job to think of ways to make more and more money. What they did was actually, however sadistic and cruel, quite a marvelous sales tactic. What better way to push your product than making your audience practically addicted to it. Ingenious! They were merely acting upon the instinct of survival. We all do it. We go to school, to go to college, to get a degree, to get a job and make money so we'll stay alive. Survival; and not too different from the kind we see in the animal kingdom.

Then there's sex. Have you ever wondered why we spend such elongated periods of time in front of a mirror? Sex is certainly the culprit. We get our hair done and buy clothes that accentuate our figures to attract the opposite gender in the hopes that we will stand out among other "competitors.” Hours are thrown away at bars as we woefully socialize with other humans hoping to make them want to mate with us. Like I stated before, the more and more I considered our society, the more the premise made sense to me.

Later that day, after the effects of the angering article had finally worn off, I remembered having once seen a man feeding a homeless person. At the time I didn't dedicate too much thought to the act. But this time around, it bothered me.

It just didn't...fit. He may have had an abundance of money, but just throwing it away to the "scrubs of civilization" didn't improve his chances of survival at all. In fact, that act only lessened his chances of surviving in today's world. And it certainly did nothing to help him get laid. Sure, many women would have considered him to be giving and generous and loving (all desirable traits in a mate), but no females were within sight. The simple act of taking money out of one's pocket to feed another man contradicted the entire theory.

As much as it pains me to say this most terrible of clichés, I think I "saw God" in that man. People have always sought him out; indeed, they will be forever searching for the divine. They will snoop around for Jesus at church. Other's will marvel at a Mosque when looking for Allah or sit in a synagogue seeking the wisdom of Yahweh. What these people do not seem to have realized is that they need not stare up into the heavens to find God. They aren't required to read words from pages within one of the many "holy" books that have unfortunately found their way into our hearts, minds and souls.

All they have to do is look within themselves and decide whether or not they have “found him.”

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