With tears streaking down our faces, my brother and I ponderously walked through the front door of our home in London. My Mom ran to hold us and investigate what had caused this most dramatic of entrances. Not deferring from the usual, Dad was calmly watching the news, not really taking much notice as we began to describe the screaming gang of older boys who had picked a fight with us. Naturally, my mother was saddened to hear this but above all, grateful that we were OK. This reaction did not surprise either of us in the least. Dad's reaction, however, did. He immediately rose from his slumber state of meditation and said he was going to the park to fix this. I pleaded with him to stay home as the three of us where scared of what might transpire between the gruesome gang of loitering teens and my Father. Stubborn as ever, he told me to stop crying and take care of my mom and brother as he left the house. Half an hour later he returned; calm and cool as ever taking his throne and continuing his afternoon perusal of the daily news. When we asked what had happened he didn't tell us any details but assured us we would no longer face problems while playing at the park. I am a peaceful character at heart, but how could a kid not feel satisfied at his Dad kicking the butts of some bullies? With a fair amount of certainty I can confirm for both my brother and I that we had never felt more protected, safe and comforted than on that day.
We come into the world as very dependent beings, in constant need to be loved and nurtured. It is my personal belief that this necessity sticks with us forever as human beings while we go about looking for safe and secure situations to dwell in. The person we see after the stork drops us off is our mother; caring and loving enough not be turned away by the piles of poop she will inevitably wipe away. The second being we come to know is the man of the house. We look to our fathers for support and a type of love that is very different than that of our mothers. Whether you're a guy or a girl, you will always look to your dad to take care of things and, more importantly, to look out for you and be your crutch in a world where injuries are aplenty. Those of us unfortunate enough not to have our fathers around will instinctively look for an ample substitute. In some cases, a single mom takes on the arduous task of completing the duties of a father. In others, a child will look to older friends as role models or ideals of what a man should be. And this is the most important thing a father does for his little girl or boy. He shows his daughter how a woman is to be treated by the opposite sex; with respect, equality and, above all, love. On the flip side, it is also his duty to show his son how to treat a woman and be "a real man". In extreme cases, our need for a father figure drives us to gangs. The family feel of a "band of brothers" attempts to fill the gaping hole of a missing father. Sadly, it fails. Judging by human history and religion in particular, we have taken our search for a Daddy and, somehow, found God.....
Many religious people I know have answered that having God has gotten them through the tough times in life and, in some cases, even saved them. The notion I presented in the previous post about us possibly creating God in our image is bolstered by this glaring fact that we have taken the attributes normally used to describe our fathers and, after adding a good dose of Omni, decided that God is also that way. Our naturally human need to be comforted and consoled, coupled together with our impatience and need for answers, has led us to find the nearest thesaurus and begin professing to the world about how God is.
What I've found rather ironic while reading about different religion and their ideas of God's nature is that they all glorify him in saying that he is "indescribable" or "too big for a human to comprehend", yet have all arrived to the conclusion that God is the proud owner of a penis (and well endowed, I imagine)! One thing that bothers me greatly is why humans have decided God has to be male. I mean, why can't "he" be a female? We all come out of one, so it logically follows that the first human would as well. Or, screw that, why does God, the creator of everything we can see or touch, have to be a man or a women? It makes no sense to me at all. The only conclusion I have been able to arrive to is that our male dominated and chauvinistic society decided to create God in their image. Just look at when all three of the world religion today were born; Islam has been around since the year 600 ad, Christianity since the a couple decades after the death of Christ and Judaism since, well, a really, really long time ago. Think about how only recently women have been granted equality, on paper anyway, and how it must have been nearly two millennia ago! I mean, women had nearly zero rights. After scrutinizing the Old Testament you can find a wealth of passages that display the inferiority of women in the bible. The New Testament is less notorious about this and the most diabolical breach of women’s rights I could find was Paul telling the females to "please just shut up" (see 1 Timothy 2: 11-12). I don't mean to pick on the Bible here as the rights of women are terribly toyed with by all three of these religions. This, to me, also goes along with how we created God in our image, and heavily relied upon the culture and tradition at the time of "conception". Sadly, with these religions being heavily outdated, women as second class citizens were just part of such traditions. How unfortunate.
It may seem trivial, but the idea of God as a father is a very important one. I believe it highlights the fact that the need to be loved and comforted drove us to create such patriarchal and bigoted ideas of our creator without being humble enough to accept that maybe "he" is really indescribable. As for the rest of this lovely blog, I will (and this pains me greatly to say) conform to what society has unanimously decided in that God will be referred to as he. In no way, however, do I actually believe God is an old man with a white bread who hails in the skies and doesn’t really like women. I certainly do, and I believe I was created in his image so he must love the ladies. It is sad to retort but, in a world where fathers are fast disappearing, God has had to “take the high road” and serve as an ample substitute. I really don't think our one creator would be happy with having to act in place of the flawed humans he created. He's just too awesome for that!