Hey everyone! This is an essay I submitted to a Christian college where I was asked to explain my interest in the religious emphasis at the school. Enjoy!
The first time I held a Bible in my hand was just over a year ago. I opened it up, not knowing quite what to expect, and found myself immersed in the book of Proverbs. Feeling the rough pages of the aged book on my fingers, I flicked through its contents. The first verse I found was: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27: 17). Even thought I had heard it said that much of the Bible is written metaphorically and in parables, I had no idea what it meant or what context to digest it in.
With the hopes of better understanding the verse, I decided to get together with a group of my Christian friends later that week. As we were socializing, the topic shifted toward religion and the Bible. I soon began questioning them about their individual beliefs and how they had come to them. Then, a close friend of mine asked me what had piqued my curiosity. In answering her query, I informed everyone that I had recently read the Bible but had trouble wrestling with the many words and hidden meanings. I subsequently brought up the verse in Proverbs.
My friends chuckled among themselves. Eventually, they said that the verse was discussing the exact thing we were currently doing; talking about God, giving our different opinions on his nature and discussing the meaning of life. They went on to explain that it tells us we can gain wisdom, a word I had noticed repeated a great deal in Proverbs, from communicating with friends and companions.
From that moment on, something drove me to read more of this book and about this book. The librarian, also another Christian at my school, was very helpful the vast number of times I sought out books about God and religion. The year went on and I attended my first church gathering on a freezing cold December morning in Peja, Kosovo. The sermon was directed, in Albanian, by the father of a missionary friend that attended my school. I listened intently as he discussed a character called Paul from another book in the Bible called Acts. I went home and re-read the verses he cited in English, hoping to get a better understanding of the message within them.
My life from that point on has not changed much. If anything, the fervor I have for understanding God and religion has only been amplified. Mounting to a burning passion, it has also driven me to write a blog about my understanding of various religious and biblical concepts. I hope it will one day be the online version of the first discussions about God I had with my friends.
I do not know if the two are related, but in the same time my interest in psychology and counseling also grew. To my pleasant surprise, I found many books and an abundance of online sources that discussed the two themes interchangeably. I kept reading and, most importantly, kept discussing and sharing my opinions with whoever had the time and patience to listen to me.
That is probably the one thing that has made ****** University my number one choice for where I wish to spend the next four years of my life. The first sentence in the online page of the Psychology department at ****** says that it “integrates comprehensive study of the human mind with the Christian faith.” I was, and still am, immediately sold to the idea. I had finally found the place where my two passions could be intertwined. My mind raced to all the people I would meet; people like me yet at different places in their own spiritual journeys.
Everything I know today about Jesus and the Bible has come from my companions and a community that dedicates their lives to living a life like Christ. Despite my interest in learning about Christianity, I am very aware that there is so much I do not know. I feel that the strong religious emphasis that ****** provides can help answer some of the many questions I have. Immersing myself in a community devoted to Christ and his impact on humanity would greatly help me in my own journey through life while allowing me to contribute a slightly different perspective on the never ending discussion about God and how we, as mere humans, can inch closer to him.
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